Monday, August 4, 2014

What we are all about...

What we provide here at...
Kelly’s ~ Christian Country Academy ~
is a Christian based facility with good food and good health for feeding the brain and the body. When you eat right you are more likely to feel right. Feeding your children and your family with good nutritious foods is a wise investment, for the present and for the long term.

Our goal is to make wise food choices, foods that not only smell good, taste good and are convenient but also help you feel good! Nutrition and Love is our main objective here. All major diseases are influenced by diet, parents in the first 3 years of your child’s life you have a window of opportunity to instill lifelong eating patterns. The foods they eat and the habits that are promoted become your child’s nutritional and behavior activities they experience and become their learning process.

When you start eating right and are treated with love and respect at a young age the benefits are clear-physically, emotionally and mentally. Health is a blessing, one that is a direct result of the efforts through parents and their children’s care givers to provide the best health and mental stability for your children.
Your children will be taught many of life’s basic skills in both a structured and creative manner. They will learn new skills, building character and good habits all in a Loving Christian environment. There will be no yelling, cussing, grabbing or belittling your children of any kind. Only Love, Kindness, Tenderness and Patience will be given to these precious little lives entrusted in our care.

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